Equipment Lock #ELBRL-KD Ball & Ring Hitch Lock, keyed different

Equipment Lock #ELBRL-KA Ball & Ring Hitch Lock, keyed alike

Dimensions: 7 x 5 x 5 in
For universal use on 1-7/8″, 2″, or 2-5/16″ balls or any size ring-type hitch

This lock covers and contains the hitch, preventing thieves from hooking up and towing your trailer away. The hitch lock is not compatible with airstream trailers.

Includes (2) two keys

Locks are keyed differently. For keyed different padlocks, the key code cannot be duplicated or matched with another equipment lock.

Additional keys are $6.95 each and are not sold separately and must be ordered at time of lock purchase. Please add a note at checkout for additional keys.

Ball & Hitch Lock installation instructions